Everything You Need To Know About Your Puuuury Friends

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Everything You Need To Know About Your Puuuury Friends

Cats are very intriguing species. They are adorable, loving, and energetic creatures. They love to explore their environment, making cute mistakes in the process. But there is a lot more to your feline friends than what you think. Cats have particular features making them exceptionally unique to other animals.

Learn to appreciate them more by reading through these fantastic facts. Discover the truths behind their anatomy, health, physiology, communication, behaviors, and many more that will leave you truly amazed. Everything you need to know about your furry little friends is compiled in one article.

Cat Anatomy

A house cat’s set of genes is developed from its ancestors from the jungle’s wild cats, tigers to be precise. They share many behaviors such as prey stalking, pouncing, scratching, and many more. Despite their predatory instincts, they are actually nearsighted but possess peripheral and night vision abilities much better than humans.

Supposedly, these feline creatures can jump to as high as six times their average height and use their long tails for balance when navigating through narrow ledges. They have 230 bones, around 25 more than an adult human with only 206 bones. Cats also have an extra organ that allows them to taste scents in the air.

Perhaps you have noticed that cats love to climb almost everything. However, did you know that their claws are all curved downward? That means they cannot climb down head-first. Their small paws also have thick, soft pads that minimize the sound they make while walking around. Many wild cats have this to efficiently sneak up on their prey.

Health and Wellness

Fortunately for all our feline fellows, their average lifespan has increased by a year, according to Banfield Pet Hospital’s study from 2002 to 2012. Perhaps this is because they sleep for about 12 to 16 hours a day and are mostly active at dusk or dawn when everyone else is asleep.

Ideally, cats are happy creatures and are content in eating, sleeping, and spending time with their favorite people. However, there are some instances wherein your cat might be feeling a bit blue. Luckily, many cat enthusiasts from That’sMeow have put up essential information on the web for people new to taking care of cats.

During sparse occasions wherein we see our cats awake, they are most likely grooming themselves due to their meticulous behavior. They are very keen on hygiene, and if you own more than one cat, you probably need more than one litter box. This applies to their eating habits too. Despite already starving, cats will still refuse unpalatable food.

As opposed to popular beliefs, feeding your cats milk is not entirely the best idea as most feline creatures are lactose intolerant. It is also not advisable to give them anything aside from prescribed cat food. Grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, and chives are just some of the many food items that can be harmful to your cats.

Communication Cues

It is odd how our pets understand us more than other people, despite the apparent language barrier between our pet animals and us. Cats are sensitive to their owner’s feelings and have incredible instincts that encourage them to be at your side when you need someone to lean on.

Consequently, they also have various vocalizations and a particular set of body language to communicate with us. While dogs have only 10 vocalizations, cats have 100 unique ways to express their needs and wants to their owners. This includes purring, different “meow” sounds, and other behaviors to establish a message.


Meowing, hissing, yawning, and purring all convey different messages. Meowing is a behavior that they exclusively developed to communicate with people. They do not use these sounds with other animals. When you hear a cat hissing, they take more of a defensive rather than aggressive tone.

Many cat owners may confuse their pet’s body language with other animals. For example, a dog and a cat flopping over to expose their bellies do not mean the same thing. While the dog is obviously inviting you for a belly rub, a cat does this to show their trust. Let your cats relax when they lie down instead of always giving them unnecessary belly rubs.

Another misconception is tail wagging. A cat that wags its tail is a sign of displeasure. In other words, they are telling you that you are getting on their last nerve. You can also check their whiskers to see if they are in a good mood. Whiskers put backward means that it is scared, while those put forward suggests that your cat is in hunting mode.

Cats are intelligent creatures who can grasp particular situations. They are clingy and love the scent of their owners. That is the reason why you will mostly find them sleeping in your pillows, beds, or dirty laundry. They are playful and fun to be around. Having a cat in your home can definitely light up the mood after a long and exhausting day.

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